Use "went off the rails|go off the rail" in a sentence

1. The train went off the rail, injuring 56 passengers Aboard

2. After my parents died, I kind of went off the rails for a while.

3. This town's going off the rails.

4. We've all gone off the rails down here, Javi.

5. The performance went off splendidly.

6. Go off the air!

7. The gun went off by accident.

8. Then the siren went off again.”

9. The alarms went off at Woodlawn.

10. The bomb went off at midday.

11. She went off with the milkman.

12. No bomb went off.

13. Giant coincidence that you've gone completely off the rails since she left.

14. Did the flash go off?

15. The firecracker didn't go off.

16. The flash didn't go off.

17. The ceremony went off without a hitch.

18. John went rushing off down the corridor.

19. He went to switch off the music.

20. It'II go off.

21. I got off the stool and went into the scullery and turned the wireless off.

22. My alarm went off early.

23. Then the bomb in the satchel went off.

24. The lamps went quietly off to the attic.

25. So she went off to go doggedly through the full factual screening of Posi's data of Fraxilly.

26. Suddenly a pager went off.

27. As it went off, I took off and safely got to the other side.

28. Did the alarm clock go off ?

29. If the bomb doesn't go off.

30. He heard the alarm go off.

31. How did the concert go off?

32. No, the alarm will go off!

33. 2 He went to switch off the music.

34. The firework went off with a loud bang.

35. The deer went off at an easy lope.

36. It went away slithering off through the bushes.

37. She went off the stage to loud cheers.

38. Bomb not go off.

39. She went off on some errand.

40. The Soviets cut off all rail and road routes to West Berlin.

41. I pulled the trigger and the gun went off.

42. 3 The power went off during the high wind.

43. He went off like a lightbulb.

44. He went off in a pique.

45. He went off in a sulk.

46. Tommy went sulkily off to bed.

47. Off go the wings, breast and skin.

48. Where did the masseur go off to?

49. I started to go off the idea.

50. 17 Did the alarm clock go off ?

51. He went to a small island off the shore.

52. Della jumped off the table and went toward him .

53. The alarm clock went off, but she didn't stir.

54. Home security said the alarm went off several times

55. 9 The signal pistol went off with a bang.

56. The orchestra went on/off stage to great applause.

57. Were you at CTU when the bomb went off?

58. The line running off left went to Pearson's Pottery.

59. The alarm went off and I slipped into the sewer.

60. Tom went off in the direction of the post office.

61. Bucks go off by themselves.

62. Lyn went off into the dark bowels of the building.

63. The oil tanker ran / went aground off the Spanish coast.

64. He went off in quest of food.

65. My alarm went off at 6 A.M.

66. Don't go off half-cocked.

67. Even explains how he had the strength to rip the rail off his bed.

68. So he went off and left you.

69. He went off in a great hurry.

70. This type of camping Cot features an attached tent that extends upward off the Cot’s rails

71. I'll hold them off, go to the airport

72. 19 He went off into the night like a vampire.

73. 22 The fire alarm went off that evening - Tuesday, November

74. It is built off of a Troy 13.8" Alpha 308 Rail, which disperses heat and runs cooler than most other rails on the market, and uses Troy's six-position Battleax stock

75. The bomb could go off at any instant.

76. My father went off to fight in the Finnish army.

77. She went round the car scraping the frost off the windows.

78. Owen went off in a huff and read the papers.

79. The rider came off and the handlebar went into his neck.

80. I had hit the floor before the machine gun went off.